Onshore America

Successful Salesforce Implementation for a Non-Profit Agency (In-Process)

This case study provides insights into a successful implementation of Salesforce. We look forward to your feedback.


Our client, a non-profit agency, needed a system that enables them to carry out the processes that they use to maintain, monitor, and acquire properties. While also maintaining data hygiene, standardizing current processes, and visualizing their data. They needed a defined data structure, migration to Salesforce, defined processes, and training on using Salesforce.

The challenge is that the agency is currently using a process and system that doesn’t allow them to maximize their productivity to the best of their ability. A process to accomplish one thing is carried out differently by multiple team members, causing confusion and delays the time that it would take to get the task done. The data
that is collected on properties is currently stored on spreadsheets and external drives limiting the ability to view how all of the data relates to each other. Lastly, the current process isn’t very user friendly. Users are manually entering data twice the second time to transfer data from where it was collected to their internal system.


The first thing we needed to do to address the challenges is to build a data structure in Salesforce using custom objects to build a relationship between the different sets of data (management units, properties, monitoring reports, etc). Once the data structure is complete, we’ll need to migrate the SharePoint data into these custom objects. Next, we will standardize the processes that are being migrated into Salesforce with their internal team and optimize the processes with automation where it’s needed. Lastly, we will need to provide training on Salesforce to the new users and also train stewardship on Salesforce Mobile.


After implementing the solution for our client, we expect to have standardized processes, a holistic visualization of data, and an increase in productivity. By moving over to Salesforce, when users go through processes such as property acquisition, the constraints defined by our client will verify that specific steps in the process are being completed to the standard that has been set. The data structure will enable users to generate reports on properties giving them greater insight into things like which contacts are currently members with WPA, contacts related to properties, or monitoring reports completed in the month. With the adoption of Salesforce, users will be able to save time carrying out various tasks like receiving approval on the prospect checklist. The approval process will be automated for the department.

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