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The tech industry has undergone a dramatic transformation over the past few decades and IT staffing has changed along with it. Before, if you did not have a degree in cyber security, you would be looked over, but rapid tech changes force IT staffing to change along with it. As technology advances rapidly, the demand for skilled professionals who adapt and innovate has outpaced the traditional emphasis on formal education. Here are several reasons why tech skills matter more than diplomas in the tech industry:

1. How Degree Inflation Devalued Bachelor’s Degrees

In today’s job market, a bachelor’s degree no longer carries the same weight it once did. The phenomenon of degree inflation has devalued the need of higher education credentials, making it harder for job applicants to stand out.

As of 2022, nearly 54% of working-age adults in the US have graduated from college or earned another postsecondary credential. In stark contrast, only about 8% of the US population had a college degree in 1960. This dramatic increase in the number of degree holders has fundamentally changed the job market.

The Impact of Degree Inflation

In 1960, having a college degree was a distinctive achievement that set job applicants apart from the majority who did not have one. Being among the 8% of degree holders made an applicant unique and highly desirable to employers. Fast forward to 2022 and being part of the 54% with a college degree is no longer a rare distinction. The sheer number of degree holders means that a bachelor’s degree is less effective as a differentiating factor in the job market.

The Changing Value of Degrees

As more people obtain degrees, the credential itself loses its exclusivity and, consequently, its value. Employers now look for additional qualifications, skills, and experiences that go beyond a college diploma. This has led to a situation where having a degree is often seen as a basic requirement rather than a unique advantage.

The explosion of accessible information and the rise of digital learning platforms have also transformed the job market. Today, tech skills and knowledge are acquired through various means outside traditional college education. Online courses, certifications, and hands-on experience are increasingly valued by employers, sometimes even more than formal degrees.

Rapid Technological Advancements

The tech landscape evolves at a pace where keeping up is very difficult. New programming languages, frameworks, and tools are developed regularly. Professionals must continuously update their skills to stay relevant. Formal education programs often struggle to keep up with these changes, while hands-on experience and self-learning provides the latest knowledge.

2. Coding Bootcamps and Online Courses

The rise of coding bootcamps and online learning platforms has democratized tech education. These programs focus on specific skills and provide intensive training that prepares individuals for the job market in a shorter time than traditional degrees.

As the tech industry expanded, coding bootcamps emerged as a fast and efficient way to train aspiring coders and developers. By 2023, nearly 100 bootcamps were operating across the U.S., offering intensive and focused training programs.

Typically, coding bootcamps are full-time commitments, requiring 20-40 hours per week for classes, assignments, and hands-on projects. However, some bootcamps also offer part-time options to accommodate different schedules. The length of these programs vary significantly, ranging from 12 weeks to six months, depending on the comprehensiveness of the curriculum and the depth of the material covered. They cost much less than a formal educations and get you in the job market much faster.

3. Skills Assessments and Certifications

Many employers now use skills assessments and industry certifications to evaluate candidates. These assessments focus on specific competencies and provide a more accurate measure of a candidate’s abilities than a diploma alone.

4. Project-Based Portfolios

In tech, a strong portfolio showcasing completed projects is more persuasive than a diploma. These projects provide tangible proof of a candidate’s abilities and creativity, demonstrating their capacity to apply their skills effectively.

While theoretical knowledge lays the foundation, practical skills are what truly drive the tech industry forward. Employers value candidates who demonstrate their ability to solve real-world problems, which often comes from hands-on experience rather than classroom learning.

5. Emphasis on Continuous Learning

The tech industry values lifelong learning. Professionals are expected to continuously acquire new skills and knowledge. This emphasis on continuous improvement often outweighs the static credential of a diploma.

6. Diverse Educational Backgrounds

Tech companies are increasingly recognizing that valuable skills come from non-traditional educational backgrounds. Many successful tech professionals have backgrounds in unrelated fields but possess the necessary skills and passion for technology.

7. Innovation and Problem-Solving Abilities

The tech industry thrives on innovation. Employers seek individuals who think critically, solve complex problems, and drive innovation. These qualities are often demonstrated through practical experience and a strong skill set rather than formal education.

While diplomas provide a foundation of knowledge, the dynamic nature of the tech industry demands practical skills and continuous learning. Employers prioritize candidates who demonstrate their abilities through real-world experience, project portfolios, and up-to-date skills. In this fast-paced industry, skills truly matter more than diplomas.

Looking to land your next IT job? At PS Solutions, we believe your skills and hands-on experience speak louder than any diploma. In today’s tech industry, employers are seeking candidates who demonstrate real-world problem-solving abilities and technical expertise.

Our team is dedicated to connecting you with opportunities that value what you do, not just what’s on your resume. Don’t let a lack of formal education hold you back. Let PS Solutions help you showcase your true potential and secure the IT role you’ve been dreaming of. Contact us today to get started!

PS Solutions

PS Solutions is a premier technology services provider dedicated to helping businesses leverage innovative IT solutions to drive growth and efficiency. With a team of highly skilled professionals, PS Solutions offers a comprehensive range of services, including custom software development, IT consulting, and digital transformation. Our mission is to empower organizations by delivering tailored technology solutions that meet their unique needs and challenges. At PS Solutions, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and our ability to help clients stay ahead in an ever-evolving digital landscape. Discover how PS Solutions can transform your business today by visiting PSSolutions.net.

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